If even a fraction of the churches in our cities raise up one Foster Family with a team of four Support Friends, there will be more than enough families to meet the need.
There are more children entering into foster care than there are foster families ready to open their hearts and homes.
Every day, in our cities, children are being removed from their biological families due to allegations of abuse or neglect. In addition to this harsh reality, many of these kids are shuffled around and displaced from their communities due to a shortage of loving and supported foster homes.
We believe that the church is uniquely positioned and called to answer this need. Together, we’re working towards a day when there will be a waiting list of families, rather than a waiting list of children in need of a home.
90% of youth in foster care with five or more moves will become involved in the juvenile justice system.
1 out of 3 youth will become homeless after aging out of the foster care system.
Youth in foster care are twice as likely to develop Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder than a war veteran that has experienced active combat.
1 out of 2 youth who age out of the foster care system will develop a substance dependence.
A designed pathway to help your congregation take steps towards helping kids and families in crisis.
Advocate training, support and ongoing coaching to equip them to cast vision, support Foster Families, and manage Support Teams within their local church.
Fresh and compelling resources to cast vision within your church – including videos, sermons, graphics, print material, small group curriculum, a prayer guide, original worship music and much more. Foster the City team members are also available to assist in casting vision.
Care made simple. We’ve designed a digital platform to equip churches to provide the community support that a family needs to foster longer and better. Learn more.
Copyright © 2020-2021 Foster the City
Tax Deductible donations can be mailed to 1172 Murphy Ave, Suite 232, San Jose, CA 95131