Advisory Council

Adrien Lewis

Founder & Executive Director
Care Portal
Adrien spent the first 10 years of his career serving as a business development professional in healthcare, technology, and education companies. In 2010, God asked Adrien to leave the business world and advocate full time for orphaned and abandoned children within the ministry. This call ultimately led to him becoming a foster and adoptive parent and developing CarePortal as a connecting technology to drive action for local children and families in crisis.

Dr. Sharon Ford

Director for Foster Care and Adoption
Focus on the Family
Dr. Sharon Ford is a nationally-recognized child welfare consultant and the retired Manager for Permanency Services for the Colorado Department of Human Services in the Division of Child Welfare Services. She is the former President of the National Association of State Adoption Programs (NASAP) and the Association of Administrators for the Interstate Compact on Adoption Medical Assistance (AAICAMA).

Jason Weber

National Director
Foster Care Initiatives for the Christian Alliance for Orphans
A foster and adoptive dad, Jason serves as the National Director of Foster Care Initiatives for the Christian Alliance for Orphans. He’s led the way with the ‘more than enough’ initiative and has been a long time friend and coach of FTC.

Filipe Santos

Lead Pastor
Fililpe Santos is the lead pastor a Echo Church, long time friend and trusted adviser for Foster the City. It is through the generosity of Filipe's ministry at Echo Church that allows Foster the City to run hard for our foster families.

Dave Carlsen

Lead Pastor / Vision Team Member
Neighbhorhood Bible Church
We know the value and importance of keeping the voice of a local pastor at the forefront of what we do. Dave has served and led at FTC since the formation and has volunteered his time since he first joined.

Darren Allarde

Salt & Light Ministry
A tech leader, app developer, Co-Founder of the ministry/non-profit Salt & Light, and pastor, Darren has been guiding Foster the City with spiritual and technical wisdom.

Shaun Middlebusher

Creative Director
Shaun has spoken in Foster the City’s brand development for years, helping us with design, print work, website work, and building out our brand guides.

Michael Mitchell

Vice President of Advancement
Feed the Children
A passionate advocate for children with almost two decades of experience in nonprofit leadership, adoption and foster care, international relief and development, and higher education fundraising, Michael understands the unique challenges and opportunities facing child-serving organizations today. He is an accomplished leader dedicated to creating a positive change in the world.